What Is MIT's Legacy Acceptance Rate?

Legacy acceptance rates at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology can sometimes become a topic of curiosity and contention when discussing one of the most prestigious STEM universities in the world. With the exception of some small studies at local private colleges in the area, legacy admissions--in which colleges offer preferential treatment to applicants related to alumni—have been largely unstudied. Enter MIT's version, a sprawling example of how one of the nation's most selective universities deals with legacy admissions.

What are legacy admissions at MIT?

Admissions at MIT are known for being highly selective and high standards. While many other top colleges if anything have only begrudgingly admitted the use of family favoritism, MIT has done worse than some and kept all this relatively in the dark. Now, before you get too excited, the qualification checkbox under "legacy" is only one part of a "holistic review process," and even though MIT does prioritize it in its scoring model, it's still not leveraged quite as heavily as that YES YOU'LL GET IN NOW moment seems to suggest.

Until my time, Legacy applicants at MIT apparently did not receive the drag on the priority list of students such as that at Harvard or Yale. This is even reflected in the admissions process at MIT: as the Dean of Admissions has stated, the legacy status does not define a filing. This falls well within the spectrum of what MIT seeks in its applicants — students who have demonstrated their potential to make meaningful contributions at the Institute and afterwards.

The Numbers of MIT Legacy Admissions

It is worth mentioning that MIT does not publicly release its complete annual legacy acceptance rate, but the overall acceptance rate for 2021-2022 admissions cycle at MIT was just 4%. Studies and reports, by contrast, suggest that the legacy acceptance rate may be somewhat greater but nowhere close to what it is at other Ivy League institutions which have been reported here as giving up to three times more weight to legacies compared to non-legacies.

Another example: While legacies at some Ivies have acceptance rates of about 33%, MIT's legacy acceptance rate is thought to be closer to 10-15%. The rate is a reflection of MIT's continued need to ensure a wholistic and fair approach to admissions, where legacy status is only one of several factors reviewed in perspective, not a guarantee of admission.

Legacy Admissions & Diversity on Campus

Full reading MIT's less extensive use of legacy admissions helps keep it diverse. MIT makes sure legacy status never overrides everything else that a candidate offers to the table, and therefore opportunities are not accidentally tilted towards those who have family ties to the Institute. This method aligns with the mission of our university by creating an environment where all individuals can learn and succeed.

Future Prospects

The specifics of MIT's policy could provide a model for institutions that are wrestling with legacy-like admissions even as debates continue nationally about the legitimacy of legacy admissions. The tension as MIT aims to both respect its history and prioritize diversity and inclusion could set a broader precedent for change in college legacy admissions throughout the country.

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The appropriateness to an institution like MIT of legacy admissions as a concept underscores not just its mission as a universally-recognized center for high-level academic research and learning, but also its commitment to the principles of fairness and equal opportunity. MIT Stands Up to the Woke Left: (and Keeps on Admission Policing - The thought police idle down for a moment.

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